File #: 14-494    Version: 1 Name: Parcel Map 10236 - 274 Kenilworth - SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/1/2014 Final action: 12/1/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Parcel Map 10236 for 274 Kenilworth Avenue; Assessor's Parcel Number 076-0299-039-00; Owner Kent Wai Lau; Subdivider and Applicant: George Sun
Attachments: 1. City Planner's Report - PM 10236.pdf
Related files: 14-495
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Parcel Map 10236 for 274 Kenilworth Avenue; Assessor's Parcel Number 076-0299-039-00; Owner Kent Wai Lau; Subdivider and Applicant: George Sun


Staff recommends adoption of a resolution approving Parcel Map 10236 for 274 Kenilworth Avenue; Assessor's Parcel Number 076-0299-039-00; Owner Kent Wai Lau; Subdivider and Applicant: George Sun.


The subject property is located at 274 Kenilworth Avenue and consists of one parcel owned by Kent Wai Lau. The property currently runs the width of the block between Kenilworth Avenue to the west and Myers Court to the east and has one single family residence, located on its western half. To the north and south of the subject parcel, are single family residences, as is most of the surrounding neighborhood. The site is currently zoned as RS, Residential Single Family District and will remain as such.


The subject parcel is approximately 0.22 acres and currently has double frontage on Kenilworth Avenue (west end) and Myers Court (east end). On the north and south sides of the subject parcel, there are single family residences. The lot is 48 feet in width and approximately 200 feet in depth.

Parcel Map 10236 creates two separate parcels. Parcel A will be approximately 4,605 square feet in area, and will contain the existing residence to remain. Parcel B will be approximately 5,000 square feet in area, and will be developed in the future as a single family residence.

Per City of San Leandro Zoning Code sections 2-530 and 2-532, the minimum width and lot area for the RS zoning district is 50 feet and 5,000 square feet, respectively. Parcel A does not meet the requirements for both lot width and lot area, and Parcel B does not meet the requirements for lot width. However, on February 6, 2014, the Board of Zoning Adjustments approved Planning application, PLN2013-00061, granting a Variance to subdivide the ...

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