File #: 20-100    Version: 1 Name: SB1 FY 21 - SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 4/20/2020 Final action: 4/20/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution for the Approval of Fiscal Year 2021 Proposed Projects Paid from the State's Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to City's Gas Tax Fund (140-31-057) for Streets Maintenance
Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution for the Approval of Fiscal Year 2021 Proposed Projects Paid from the State's Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to City's Gas Tax Fund (140-31-057) for Streets Maintenance

In order to receive funding from the State's Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account, the City must annually submit to the State (by May 1st) a list of streets maintenance projects anticipated for completion in the coming fiscal year.


Existing law provides various sources of funding for transportation purposes, including funding for the state highway system and the local streets and roads system. These funding sources include, among others, fuel excise taxes, commercial vehicle weight fees, local transactions and use taxes, and federal funds. Existing law imposes certain registration fees on vehicles, with revenues from these fees deposited in the Motor Vehicle Account to fund the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Department of the California Highway Patrol. Existing law provides for the monthly transfer of excess balances in the Motor Vehicle Account to the State Highway Account.

SB 1, signed by Governor Brown in April 2017, created the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program (RMRP) to address deferred maintenance on the state highway system and the local street and road system. The bill requires that the County Transportation Commission (CTC) adopt performance criteria, consistent with a specified asset management plan, to ensure efficient use of certain funds available for the program.

SB 1 provides for the deposit of various funds for the program in the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA), which SB 1 created in the State Transportation Fund, including the following:

* Revenues attributable to a $0.12 per gallon increase in the motor vehicle fuel (gasoline) tax imposed by the bill with an inflation adjustment;
* 50% of a $0.20 per ...

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