File #: 12-320    Version: 1 Name: Disaster Council Meeting Highlights of April 27, 2012
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/18/2012 Final action: 6/18/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: ACCEPT: Disaster Council Meeting Highlights of April 27, 2012
Attachments: 1. 4-27-12 Agenda, 2. San Leandro Disaster Council Goals 2012-13, 3. 4-27-12 Sign In Sheets
ACCEPT: Disaster Council Meeting Highlights of April 27, 2012


Friday, April 27, 2012
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

San Leandro Senior Community Center
13090 East 14th Street
San Leandro, California


Committee Members: Mayor Stephen Cassidy; Vice Mayor Michael Gregory; Council Member Pauline Cutter; San Leandro Unified School District Board Member Mike Katz-Lacabe; Alameda County Fire Department Chief Sheldon Gilbert; Marla Blagg, Dave Lord, ACFD; Cary Neaback, Alameda County Office of Emergency Services/Offce of Homeland Security; Ali Cannon, SLUSD; Karen Langmaid, San Lorenzo Unified School District; Ken Hinck, Sutter Health

City staff present: Jacqui Diaz, Deputy City Manager; Luke Sims, Community Development Director; Steve Pricco,Police Captain; Kathy Ornelas, Community Relations Representative

Public present: Mitch Huitema; Patricia Minnis, Citizens for a Safer San Leandro

The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m.

1. Self Introductions

Members of the Disaster Council introduced themselves and the agencies they represent.

2. Report on the March 16 EOC Exercise

Kathy Ornelas described the goals and intent of the March 16 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Exercise. It was not a fully functioning event and was a ‘surprise’ to City staff when activated. In short, it was to be a reporting and set-up event to see if the communication system was working and to verify the timing to set up an EOC. The facilities staff was able to arrive within seven minutes and initiate. Overall, the exercise was a success and staff learned some operational lessons for the future (e.g., the phones may need to be re-booted). There was also a brief discussion on water supply and distribution; East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) has developed a plan for mass quantities of potable water. There was a good facilitation by Dave Rocha, Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD).

The next exercise will ...

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