File #: 16-245    Version: 1 Name: Draft Development Scenarios for Bay Fair TOD
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 5/19/2016 Final action: 5/19/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Work Session on Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan - Draft Street Design and Development Scenario Concepts
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1_Plan Area Map, 2. Attachment 2_Comments from CAC & TAC Meetings, 3. Attachment A1-A25_Draft Street-Development Scenarios, 4. Planning Commission_5 19 2016
Related files: 17-140, 18-002, 17-138, 17-137
Work Session on Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan - Draft Street Design and Development Scenario Concepts


This report is for information only and no action is required. Staff seeks Planning Commission feedback on the following topics and issues for the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan: 1) draft visioning/desired outcomes, 2) preliminary street design and public realm, 3) preliminary development scenarios, and 4) potential policy topics to be addressed in the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan (Plan). A Plan Area Map is included as Attachment 1.

The topics above, particularly Items 2 & 3, are meant to be conceptual and stimulate additional public input at this early planning stage. In the coming months, staff will continue to seeking input from local stakeholders (such as nearby residents, businesses and property owners), the general public, the Planning Commission and the City Council to assist in the revising and/or refinement of these concepts and issues.


The City Council ratified the 21-member Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Plan in February 2016 after a comprehensive application process. Four of the 21 members are residents from adjacent unincorporated Alameda County.

The City also created a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC consists of 10 members who provide more detailed and expert analysis from the varied public and private stakeholder perspectives. In addition to the City and Madison Marquette (owner of Bayfair Center) staff, the TAC includes representatives from BART, Alameda County Planning Division & Flood Control District, AC Transit, Alameda County Transportation Commission, Association of Bay Area Governments/MTC and Caltrans. Both the CAC and TAC are required components of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission planning grant.

The CAC and TAC have each conducted two meetings since late February 2016. At their first meetings, both committees reviewed...

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