File #: 16-458    Version: 1 Name: SR Zoning Update 2016
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/19/2016 Final action: 9/19/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for an Ordinance to Amend the City of San Leandro Zoning Code, and the City Zoning Map, and to Amend the Downtown Transit-Oriented Development Special Policy Areas ("S" overlays) to Conform with the City of San Leandro 2035 General Plan and 2007 Downtown Transit Oriented Development Strategy
Attachments: 1. SL Zoning Code Matrix, 2. Proposed Industrial Districts Zoning Development Regulations Table, 3. Proposed Commerical and Professional Zoning Development Regulations Table, 4. Proposed Downtown Area Development Regulations Table, 5. Bancroft and Estudillo Zoning Map, 6. Daylight Plane Example, 7. Public Comments, 8. Zoning Code Amds CC 9-19-16
Related files: 16-459, 16-460
Staff Report for an Ordinance to Amend the City of San Leandro Zoning Code, and the City Zoning Map, and to Amend the Downtown Transit-Oriented Development Special Policy Areas ("S" overlays) to Conform with the City of San Leandro 2035 General Plan and 2007 Downtown Transit Oriented Development Strategy


While the General Plan serves as the primary guiding policy document for the City, the Zoning Code serves as the primary tool for the implementation of the General Plan. Both the General Plan and the Zoning Code are required by law to be consistent with one another. In an effort to bring the Zoning Code into conformance with the changes proposed in the 2035 General Plan, staff developed a set of proposed revisions to various sections of the San Leandro Zoning Code text and Zoning Map. These changes are part of the City's ongoing efforts to modernize the Zoning Code, create more flexibility to meet market demand while ensuring compatibility with existing neighboring uses, and to bring zoning in certain areas of the City into conformance with both the 2007 Downtown Transit Oriented Development Strategy and the 2035 General Plan Update.

Public outreach efforts for the proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map amendments included a number of informational sessions held before various City stakeholders, including the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, industrial property owners, downtown area stakeholders, the Downtown Association and the San Leandro Improvement Association (SLIA). Staff forwarded letters to notify affected and adjacent property owners on May 23 and issued a press release on June 8, which appeared in the San Leandro Times on June 9. Staff also maintained a project website and posted informational boards and handouts in the Library and outside the Permit Center at City Hall. Work sessions were held with the Planning Commission on June 16 and with the City Council on July 5 and July 25, 2016. The Planning Com...

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