File #: 16-156    Version: Name: Staff Report for PLN2015-0031 Greenhouse Market
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 5/19/2016 Final action: 5/19/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Continuation of PLN15-0031; Modification of Planned Development, PD-83-3, for fa?ade renovations to six buildings at the Greenhouse Marketplace that would include the replacement of glass atrium features with new roofing or sign towers, installation of stone veneer accents and a new paint color palette at 699 Lewelling Boulevard; Commercial Community (CC) District; Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 412-0001-009, -011, -014, -016, -017, -018, -019 and -020 ; Tom Wilson Architect Inc. (applicant), Brian Kriz on behalf of Weingarten Realty Investors (property owner).
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Vicinity and Aerial Images, 3. Applicant Statement (Letter to San Leandro, dated March 9, 2016), 4. Exhibit A Site Plan (Sheet DR-01), 5. Exhibit B Facade Remodel for Units A0A to A0E (Sheet DR-2), 6. Exhibit C Facade Remodel for Units B0G to B0R (Sheet DR-3.1), 7. Exhibit D Facade Remodel for Units B0A to B0F (Sheet DR-3.2), 8. Exhibit E Facade Remodel for Units C0H to C0R (Sheet DR-4.1), 9. Exhibit F Facade Remodel for Units C0A to Jo-Ann (Sheet DR-4.2), 10. Exhibit G Facade Remodel for Units E0H to E0N (Sheet DR-5.1), 11. Exhibit H Facade Remodel for Units E0A to E0F (Sheet DR-5.2), 12. Exhibit I Facade Remodel for Units D0A to D0E (Sheet DR-6), 13. Exhibit J Facade Remodel for Units F0A to F0E (Sheet DR-7.1), 14. Exhibit K Facade Remodel for Units F0E to F0G (Sheet DR-7.2), 15. Exhibit L Historical Display Proposal (Sheet X-43), 16. Excerpts from Planning Commission PD-83-3, 17. Staff Photographs of Greenhouse Marketplace, 18. Draft Minutes for the March 17, 2016 Planning Commission meeting, 19. Email from Brian Kriz, Weingarten Realty Investors, dated May 9, 2016
Related files: 16-159, 16-358, 16-363
Continuation of PLN15-0031; Modification of Planned Development, PD-83-3, for fa?ade renovations to six buildings at the Greenhouse Marketplace that would include the replacement of glass atrium features with new roofing or sign towers, installation of stone veneer accents and a new paint color palette at 699 Lewelling Boulevard; Commercial Community (CC) District; Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 412-0001-009, -011, -014, -016, -017, -018, -019 and -020 ; Tom Wilson Architect Inc. (applicant), Brian Kriz on behalf of Weingarten Realty Investors (property owner).


PLN15-0031 was continued from the March 17, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. At that meeting, the Planning Commission heard the staff report and asked questions of both staff and the applicant. After discussion of the merits of the proposed fa?ade project, the Planning Commission voted four in favor and two opposed, with one abstention, to continue the item to the May 19 meeting.

The commission asked the applicant to revise its plans to meet the General Plan objectives stated in the staff report below (see the attached minutes of the March 17 Planning Commission meeting.) The applicant, Weingarten Realty Investors made the decision against drawing up new plans; in the attached email dated May 9 they stated that they would "not be submitting an alternative design". As such, staff requests that the Planning Commission proceed to deny the project, per the staff recommendation detailed in the staff report from March 17 below.


The Applicant is proposing fa?ade modifications to six buildings at the Greenhouse Marketplace Shopping Center, located at 699 Lewelling Boulevard. The originally approved Planned Development PD-83-3 established an architectural design theme to reflect the past use of the site as a greenhouse and nursery business. The proposed fa?ade modifications would replace the glass atrium elements with sign towers, a...

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