File #: 16-187    Version: 1 Name: SR Lease Pelton Center Parking
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/2/2016 Final action: 5/2/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement with the Sung Hui Paskewitz Living Trust for Operation of the Pelton Center Way Parking Lot at 100 Pelton Center Way (APNs 77-545-32-1 and 77-545-9)
Related files: 16-186
Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement with the Sung Hui Paskewitz Living Trust for Operation of the Pelton Center Way Parking Lot at 100 Pelton Center Way (APNs 77-545-32-1 and 77-545-9)


Staff recommends that the City enter into a lease agreement with the property owners of Pelton Center in order to keep the parking at Pelton Center open to the general public, and to enforce reasonable parking regulations to govern its use.


In April 1959, the City leased the Pelton Center Way parking lot from Pelton Estates, a California corporation, for public use and commenced enforcement of parking regulations to govern the use and enjoyment of the premises. The Pelton property changed ownership over several incarnations between 2001 and 2009, the last of which rendered Sung Hui Paskewitz the sole owner under the Sung Hui Paskewitz Living Trust. Throughout the changes in ownership, the terms of the 1959 lease remained in effect. Due to the many changes in ownership over the years, the need arose to establish a new and up-to-date lease agreement that appropriately represents the parties and their objectives.


The execution of this Lease Agreement would terminate the 1959 Lease and enter into updated terms for operating and enforcing the approximately 75 public off-street parking spaces in the Pelton Center lot. By leasing the lot, the City essentially makes the Pelton Center parking lot part of the City's public parking system. Use of this lot would continue to significantly boost the inventory of publically available parking for shoppers and visitors in Downtown San Leandro, for which a Downtown Parking Strategy is currently being developed. The new Lease Agreement was negotiated jointly by the Community Development Department and the Police Department.

Most of the 75 spaces are currently permitted for two-hour parking. Under the previo...

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