File #: 13-229    Version: Name: Cottage Food Operations
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/3/2013 Final action: 6/3/2013
Enactment date: 6/3/2013 Enactment #: Ordinance 2013-006
Title: ADOPT: Ordinance No. 2013-006, an Ordinance Amending Article 3, Section 1-304 (Definitions); Amending Article 16 to Add Section 4-1688 (Cottage Food Operations); Amending Article 5, Section 2-574 (Administrative Exceptions); and Amending Article 17, Section 4-1704 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Required) of the San Leandro Zoning Code (approves regulations for Cottage Food Operations, a new use that would allow for limited commercial food preparation in residential dwellings, to comply with new State law AB 1616)
Attachments: 1. EXHIBIT A: Cottage Food Zoning Code Amendments
Related files: 13-228
ADOPT: Ordinance No. 2013-006, an Ordinance Amending Article 3, Section 1-304 (Definitions); Amending Article 16 to Add Section 4-1688 (Cottage Food Operations); Amending Article 5, Section 2-574 (Administrative Exceptions); and Amending Article 17, Section 4-1704 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Required) of the San Leandro Zoning Code (approves regulations for Cottage Food Operations, a new use that would allow for limited commercial food preparation in residential dwellings, to comply with new State law AB 1616)

WHEREAS, in 2002, the City of San Leandro adopted a new General Plan, which states that the City's Zoning Code regulations "strive to maintain a quality environment" in San Leandro's residential neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro performs periodic reviews of the Zoning Code; and

WHEREAS, in September 2012, the State of California signed into law AB 1616, Cottage Food Operations, which allows for the operation of home-based commercial food preparation of baked goods, jams, honey and other products; AB 1616 became effective on January 1, 2013; and

WHEREAS, on April 4, 2013, the City of San Leandro Board of Zoning Adjustments met, reviewed, and commented on the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code pertaining to Cottage Food Operations, and such comments were provided to the Planning Commission; and

WHEREAS, on April 18, 2013, the Planning Commission met, reviewed, commented, and provided a recommendation to the City Council on the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code, all of which are provided to the City Council; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report and approved the findings that the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are exempt from environmental review under Sections 15061(b)(2) and (3) of the CEQA Guidelines as a minor amendment of the Zoning Code to provide for Cottage Food Operations in a reside...

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