File #: 16-463    Version: 1 Name: OTS Grant (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/3/2016 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for the Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a $134,000 Grant Agreement with the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for the Traffic Safety Education Programs for Youth and Older Adults (OTS Project No. PS1715); Appropriating Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Funds in the Amount of $38,000 to Augment Funds from a California Office of Traffic Safety Grant; and Approving a $156,000 Consulting Services Agreement with Safe Moves to Conduct Traffic Safety Education Programs for Youth and Older Adults; Project No. 150-38-339
Attachments: 1. Final OTS Grant Agreement - PS 1715 DOC090116.pdf, 2. Agreement CSA with Safe Moves for OTS 09-19-16.pdf
Related files: 16-464, 16-465
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Staff Report for the Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a $134,000 Grant Agreement with the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for the Traffic Safety Education Programs for Youth and Older Adults (OTS Project No. PS1715); Appropriating Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Funds in the Amount of $38,000 to Augment Funds from a California Office of Traffic Safety Grant; and Approving a $156,000 Consulting Services Agreement with Safe Moves to Conduct Traffic Safety Education Programs for Youth and Older Adults; Project No. 150-38-339


Staff recommends approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Grant Agreement that accepts $134,000 from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for a Traffic Safety Education Program for Youth and Older Adults.

Staff also recommends approval of a Resolution to appropriate Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian funds in the amount of $38,000 to augment the OTS funds for the subject project as well as staff time and supporting materials, and authorize the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement with Safe Moves in the amount of $156,000 to conduct the training and outreach educational programs for the Traffic Safety Education Programs for Youth and Older Adults.


The 2013 California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Collision Rankings indicate pedestrians and bicyclists under the age of fifteen still face challenges in negotiating traffic conditions in San Leandro. Continuing traffic safety education is critical to improving the quality of life for San Leandro youth (i.e., K-8 students).

Having also analyzed traffic collision reports and news articles concerning older adults from the last two years as well as the 2013 California OTS Collision Rankings, staff also determined that older adults in San Leandro are vulnerable to pedestrian related collisions and other traffic safety challenges.

In January 2016, staff applied for a ...

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