File #: 16-378    Version: 1 Name: Local Minimum Wage Staff Report
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/18/2016 Final action: 7/18/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Ordinance Adopting a Minimum Wage in San Leandro
Attachments: 1. Minimum Wage Ordinance 7 18 2016
Related files: 16-379
Staff Report for Ordinance Adopting a Minimum Wage in San Leandro


Per the direction provided by the City Council at the July 5, 2016 meeting, staff recommends the City Council consider the attached local minimum wage ordinance, to be effective July 1, 2017


A potential San Leandro minimum wage ordinance went through extensive discussion by the City Council Finance Committee over the course of seven monthly meetings beginning in October, 2015. A wide range of studies and analyses were presented to the City Council Finance Committee and comments were provided by members of the public, community stakeholder groups, and committee members. A summary of the comments and analyses presented to the City Council Finance Committee was provided to the City Council at the June 13, 2016 publicly-noticed work session that was dedicated to discussing the possibility of a San Leandro minimum wage ordinance. During that work session, the City Council directed staff to develop and present for the Council's consideration a local ordinance that would accelerate implementation of the State's new minimum wage requirements at its next regular meeting on July 5, 2016. Following public testimony and discussion by the Council at the meeting, the City Council directed staff to make the following substantive revisions to the draft ordinance:

1. Include 'small and large employer' definitions, similar to how the statewide minimum wage law is crafted, and

2. Include a provision that grants small employers an additional year to implement the wage increases that are scheduled to begin for large employers on July 1, 2017

Per the direction of the Council, the proposed draft ordinance requires that, beginning July 1, 2017, large employers in the City of San Leandro must pay employees a minimum wage of no less than $12.00 per hour. The minimum wage for large employers will then increase by one dollar per hour on July 1...

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