File #: 13-312    Version: 1 Name: OBAG-W Juana Improvements - SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/17/2013 Final action: 6/17/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Grant Funding Agreement, Commit Necessary Matching Funds, and Provide the Assurance to Complete the West Juana Pedestrian Improvements Project
Related files: 13-313
Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Grant Funding Agreement, Commit Necessary Matching Funds, and Provide the Assurance to Complete the West Juana Pedestrian Improvements Project


It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager's execution of a Grant Funding Agreement for funding, committing matching funds and stating the assurance to complete the West Juana Pedestrian Improvements Project with the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) for $346,000 of Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Funds for the design and construction of the West Juana Pedestrian Improvements Project.


Alameda CTC's FY 2012-13 Coordinated Program included multiple fund sources allocated under a unified programming and evaluation schedule. The City applied for four discretionary projects and was awarded one project that will be funded by Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Funds. The City was awarded $346,000 for the West Juana Pedestrian Improvements Project. The grant requires $378,000 in matching funds to provide for the total project amount of $724,000.

The City is required to submit a Resolution of Local Support by June 30, 2013 to receive OneBayArea Grant (OBAG) funding. A funding agreement will be forwarded to Council for approval at a later date.


The City submitted four projects for discretionary funds as part of the Alameda CTC's FY 2012-13 Coordinated Funding Program. The projects submitted included: 1) East 14th Street South Area Streetscape Project; 2) San Leandro Bikeways - West; 3) San Leandro Downtown Parking Management Plan; and 4) West Juana Pedestrian Improvements.

Of the 23 awarded projects countywide, the West Juana Pedestrian Improvements Project was the only San Leandro project selected for funding. The project was awarded $346,000 of the required $724,000 for desig...

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