File #: 13-315    Version: 1 Name: Municipal Bond Tax Exemption
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/17/2013 Final action: 6/17/2013
Enactment date: 6/17/2013 Enactment #: Reso 2013-084
Title: ADOPT: Resolution Supporting the Preservation of Tax-Exempt Financing (maintains the federal tax exemption on municipal bond interest)
Attachments: 1. LOCC Info.pdf
ADOPT: Resolution Supporting the Preservation of Tax-Exempt Financing (maintains the federal tax exemption on municipal bond interest)

WHEREAS, tax-exempt municipal bonds are the primary means by which state and local governments finance three quarters of the critical infrastructure of our nation, including roads, bridges, hospitals, schools, and utility systems; and

WHEREAS, through the tax exemption, the federal government continues to provide critical support for the federal, state and local partnership that develops and maintains essential infrastructure, which it cannot practically replicate by other means; and

WHEREAS, the municipal tax exemption has enabled state and local governments to finance more than $1.65 trillion in infrastructure investment over the last decade; and

WHEREAS, this tax exemption is part of a more than century-long system of reciprocal immunity under which owners of federal bonds are, in turn, not required to pay state and local income tax on the interest they receive from federal bonds; and

WHEREAS, municipalities benefit from this tax exemption through substantial savings on the interest cost of borrowed money; and

WHEREAS, tax exempt bonds benefit state and local governments who need the support of investors to finance critical infrastructure, taxpayers across the country who depend on this infrastructure for reliable transportation systems, schools, public health facilities, energy, clean water and affordable housing, the federal government, who gets quite a bargain on their partnership with state and local government to provide the nation's infrastructure through the exemption; and investors who buy bonds for many reasons, including the safe nature of these financial products; and

WHEREAS, municipal bonds are safe investments, akin to U.S. Treasuries, with state and local governments having nearly a zero de...

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