Second Reading to Adopt an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone 13489 E 14th Street from SA-2 (South Area 2) to SA-2 (PD) (South Area 2, with a Planned Development Overlay) (APN: 077D-1405-001-01; Applicant; Shoonya, LLC. Property Owner: Shoonya, LLC, PLN22-0006)
• Housing and Homelessness
The attached Ordinance was introduced on November 18, 2024, by a unanimous vote and is presented for a second reading to rezone 13489 E 14th Street from SA-2 (South Area 2) to SA-2(PD) (South Area 2, with a Planned Development Overlay), to facilitate the construction of a nine-unit townhome development. On November 18, 2024, the City Council also adopted Resolution No. 2024-151 approving PLN22-0006 for a Planned Development, Administrative Site Plan Review, and Tentative Tract Map 8703 for the construction of the nine-unit townhome development.
Staff recommends that the City Council hold the second reading and adopt the Ordinance included as Attachment A.
Attachment A: Draft Ordinance Amending the City of San Leandro Zoning Map
Exhibit A: Zoning Map Amendment
PREPARED BY: Lourdes Juarez, Associate Planner, Community Development