File #: 17-137    Version: 1 Name: Bay Fair TOD Update
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 3/16/2017 Final action: 3/16/2017
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Update on the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan
Attachments: 1. Bay Fair TOD Update_PPT_3 16 2017
Related files: 15-487, 16-245, 18-002, 17-138
Update on the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan


The City of San Leandro applied for and received a highly competitive $440,000 Priority Development Area planning grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in 2014. The City also contributed $30,000 to match the grant along with contributions of $15,000 each from BART and Madison Marquette. The intent of the grant is to enable the City to create a long-term plan to transform the 154-acre Bay Fair area (including the Bayfair Center and Bay Fair BART Station) into a more vibrant, pedestrian-scaled and higher density mixed use area that encourages greater non-auto (i.e., biking, walking) and public transit use. The public planning process formally kicked off in 2016 and there have been over 15 public meetings to date.
A draft Plan and environmental impact report (EIR as required under the California Environmental Quality Act or CEQA) is planned to be publicly released in Spring/Summer 2017. The final Plan will include recommended policies such as amendments to the Zoning Code to allow for greater development intensity and density, design guidelines, and implementation strategies. The final EIR will provide appropriate and necessary environmental review for the final Plan and streamline the environmental review process for future development projects that comply with the eventual Plan.
Tonight's update on progress since the Plan was last presented to the City Council in May 2016 will be provided. The following are the topics which will be covered:
* Project Background/Context
* Vision + Policies
* Transportation + Open Space
* Implementation Concepts.

Vision Statement
Below is the full draft Vision Statement that staff and the planning consultant has prepared in response to public feedback since last year. The full statement is shown in this report as it was too large to place on a Powerpoint slide.
"The Bay Fair Area will be a mixed-use urban village an...

Click here for full text