File #: 16-335    Version: 1 Name: SR: PRE Zoning Code Update 2016
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/5/2016 Final action: 7/5/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report and Presentation for Work Session to Review Proposed Amendments to the City of San Leandro Zoning Code and Zoning Map to Bring the Underlying Zoning on Certain Properties into Conformance with the City of San Leandro General Plan 2035 and General Text Updates
Attachments: 1. San Leandro Zoning Code Definitions and Acronyms for Pertinent Zoning Districts in Proposed Rezoning, 2. Proposed Commercial and Industrial Use Classifications and Zoning Districts Matrix, 3. Proposed Industrial Districts Zoning Development Regulations Table, 4. Proposed Commerical and Professional Zoning Development Regulations Table, 5. Proposed Downtown Area Development Regulations Table, 6. Proposed Zoning Map: Whole City, 7. Proposed Zoning Map: Industrial Transition, West Gate, 8. Proposed Zoning Map: Industrial Transition, Marina Boulevard West, 9. Proposed Zoning Map: Industrial Transition, Marina Boulevard East, 10. Proposed Zoning Map: Downtown Area North, 11. Proposed Zoning Map: Downtown Area South, 12. Proposed Zoning Map: Downtown Area East, 13. Proposed Zoning Map: Downtown Area West, 14. Proposed Amendments to Downtown Transit Oriented Development Special Overlay Ordinance, 15. IT Stakeholder Meeting Attendees 6-8-16, 16. DA Stakeholder Meeting 6-14-16, 17. SLIA Land Use Attendees 6-15-16, 18. Chamber Board Meeting Attendees 6-16-16, 19. Public Comments to Planning Commission 6-16-16, 20. Emails to Council - Zoning Code Update 2016
Related files: 16-320, 16-456, 16-405, 16-457, 16-455, 16-341
Staff Report and Presentation for Work Session to Review Proposed Amendments to the City of San Leandro Zoning Code and Zoning Map to Bring the Underlying Zoning on Certain Properties into Conformance with the City of San Leandro General Plan 2035 and General Text Updates


Staff has developed a set of proposed revisions to the various sections of the San Leandro Zoning Code text and Zoning Map in an effort to bring them into conformance with changes proposed in the General Plan Update 2035. These changes are part of ongoing efforts to modernize the Code, create more flexibility to meet market demands while ensuring compatibility with neighboring uses, and to bring zoning in certain areas of the City into conformance with the 2007 Downtown Transit Oriented Development Strategy and General Plan Update 2035.

The series of proposed Zoning Code and Map amendments was the subject of a number of information sessions before various city stakeholders, including the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, industrial property owners, downtown area stakeholders, the Downtown Association and the San Leandro Improvement Association (SLIA). Letters were mailed out to adjacent property owners and affected property owners on May 23 and a press release was issued on June 8 and appeared in the San Leandro Times on June 9.

Following community input, staff is recommending that the P Professional zoning for the Downtown East area (the approximately 20 parcels on Estudillo Avenue and Bancroft Avenue) not be changed to DA-2 Downtown Area 2. The proposed changes to the Professional Use Regulations would allow multi-family and mixed use residential at a density of 24 units per acre on these parcels as a Conditionally Permitted Use (CUP) and the existing 30 foot height limit would remain. The staff report and tonight's presentation has been updated accordingly.

An overview of the proposed Zoning Code amendments will be provide...

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