Adopt two Resolutions to 1. Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 2 to the Consulting Services Agreement with Monarch Consulting for a new total not to exceed amount of $189,500; and
2. Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Consulting Services Agreement with Willdan Engineering for a new total not to exceed amount of $164,500 for Code Enforcement Services
* Infrastructure
Monarch Consulting (Monarch) and Willdan Engineering (Willdan) provide contract code enforcement services for the Community Development Department. The proposed Amendments to the Consulting Services Agreements with Monarch and Willdan will allow for services to continue through the end of FY2024-2025. The proposed Amendments include a combined increase of $155,000 and will be fully funded by City Council appropriated Department funds for FY2024-2025.
The Community Preservation Division is currently funded for one Supervisor and two Community Preservation Officer II positions, which were established as new job specifications in 2023. Both Officer II positions are vacant. After an unsuccessful recruitment effort in 2024, the Department has utilized contract support for Code Enforcement Officer functions. The Division utilized a YearUp intern from July 2024 through January 2025 who has been placed as a provisional Administrative Assistant I February 2025 - July 2025.
Monarch and Willdan have provided the City with experienced contract officers that have successfully addressed community complaints and have completed complex proactive assignments, including investigating and enforcing illegal signage and graffiti on East 14th Street (590 properties) and enforcing six illegal smoke shops after the Council adopted a tobacco retail moratorium in 2024.
The City's existing agreements with Monarch and Willdan each include not to exceed amounts of $99,500. The proposed CSA Amendment No.2 with Monarch would increase the budget by ...
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