File #: 16-362    Version: 1 Name: SR LitSL Update
Type: Presentation Status: Received
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/18/2016 Final action: 12/19/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Presentation on the Status of Lit San Leandro: Annual Report from San Leandro Dark Fiber LLC
Attachments: 1. FO Network Map (lm n).Jan2016
Presentation on the Status of Lit San Leandro: Annual Report from San Leandro Dark Fiber LLC



In 2011, the City of San Leandro executed a License Agreement with San Leandro Dark Fiber LLC ("SLDF"). This Agreement requires annual reporting on the status of SLDF and development and implementation of the Lit San Leandro ("LitSL") network. The reporting requirements were expanded with approval of the First Amendment to License Agreement approved by the City Council in January 2015.
Representatives of SLDF will be presenting information contained in the Annual Report from San Leandro Dark Fiber LLC. This staff report provides a summary of activity updates related to the LitSL fiber optic network and is for information only.

In 2011, the City of San Leandro executed a License Agreement with San Leandro Dark Fiber LLC, Dr. Patrick Kennedy/Founder, to develop the first phase of a 10 gigabit per second fiber optic network. In January 2015, the City Council approved a First Amendment to the License Agreement, which incorporated an anticipated 7.5 mile expansion of the City's conduit funded by the City and a $2,120,000 matching grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration ("EDA"). LitSL is the entity created to lease dark fiber to Internet Service Providers ("ISP") or other enterprise dark fiber users.
SLDF owns the fiber that occupies the City's conduit. In exchange for this business relationship, the City receives 30 strands of fiber unrestricted as to use throughout the original and expanded network. Within the expansion conduit, the City received an additional 42 strands of fiber "solely for internal communication needs and public projects". These additional 42 strands cannot be used for resale or other commercial ventures other than with SLDF.
LitSL is the sister company to SLDF that actively manages the fiber and leases it to the Internet Service Providers that provide gigabit services dir...

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