File #: 15-322    Version: 1 Name: PC Washington Thornton Pre-App
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 5/21/2015 Final action: 5/21/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: PRE15-0001; Work Session on a proposed Planned Development to construct a multi-story 60-unit multi-family residential building at 1659-1695 Washington Avenue (northwest corner of Washington Avenue and Thornton Street.). Assessor's Parcel Numbers 75-6-5-1 and 75-6-6-1; J. Burns II, Collaborative Design Architects, LLC, applicant; G. Galvan, property owner; DA-1 Downtown Area 1 District.
Attachments: 1. PRE15-0001 Applicant's Supporting Statement, 2. PRE15-0001 Vicinity Map, 3. PRE15-0001 Exhibits A-P, 4. PRE15-0001 Exhibits Q-Y, 5. PRE15-0001 Aerial and Street View
PRE15-0001; Work Session on a proposed Planned Development to construct a multi-story 60-unit multi-family residential building at 1659-1695 Washington Avenue (northwest corner of Washington Avenue and Thornton Street.). Assessor's Parcel Numbers 75-6-5-1 and 75-6-6-1; J. Burns II, Collaborative Design Architects, LLC, applicant; G. Galvan, property owner; DA-1 Downtown Area 1 District.


The Planning Commission work session is an opportunity for the Planning Commission and the community to hear a presentation by staff and the applicant, to ask questions and to provide feedback prior to the applicant's formal planning submittal for the proposed 60-unit multifamily residential development at 1659-1695 Washington Ave located in the Downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy plan area.

It is important to note that the plans for the project are in the schematic stage of design and the precise building sizes, locations, precise building floor plates and parking lot design may change prior to the applicant's formal planning submittal. Once the Planning Commission provides their preliminary feedback during the work session, the applicant will refine the project plans and provide additional details related to site planning, building architecture, landscape and hardscape design.

While no formal action by the Commission is required tonight, the work session will provide an opportunity to:

1. Review the proposed schematic plans;
2. Provide comments regarding density, site layout, parking and preliminary architectural design;
3. Request additional information/material for the future formal public review by Planning Commission of the project; and
4. Ask questions of staff and the applicant.

Following tonight's work session, staff will work with the applicant to respond to the Planning Commission and public feedback.


See attached.


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