File #: 13-020    Version: Name: Easement to PG&E 454 Warden Avenue SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/3/2013 Final action: 6/3/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement with PG&E for a Portion of City Property Located at 454 Warden Avenue, a Strip of Land that Serves as an Access to the Area Underneath I-880 and as an Emergency Access Road for the Davis West Neighborhood
Related files: 13-019
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement with PG&E for a Portion of City Property Located at 454 Warden Avenue, a Strip of Land that Serves as an Access to the Area Underneath I-880 and as an Emergency Access Road for the Davis West Neighborhood


Staff recommends that the City Council approve an easement agreement with PG&E to allow PG&E to continue to install, maintain, and access its facilities on and under this particular City property. The property serves as an emergency access road for the Davis West Neighborhood and as an access point to the area under the I-880 freeway.


PG&E contacted the City on behalf of Caltrans to request permission to relocate its underground facilities to accommodate the I-880 Southbound HOV Lane project. An encroachment permit was issued to allow PG&E to complete the work in the short time frame it had in advance of the project. However, PG&E did not have the property rights necessary to have its facilities on City property. The City and PG&E worked together to draft an easement agreement and PG&E issued a check to the City for $10,000 for the easement rights.


The area is residential, and there are homes surrounding the access road. Having PG&E's facilities on the property does not impact the residential property owners and tenants in the area. There are no plans to use the property for any purpose other than as an access road.

Permits and/or Variances Granted

An encroachment permit (ENC2012-00603) was issued on November 6, 2012 to allow PG&E to trench and install conduit. PG&E was informed that it would also need to acquire an easement.
Legal Analysis

The City Attorney helped draft the easement agreement and has approved it in its final form.

Fiscal Impacts

The General Fund will receive a one-time payment of $10,000. There is no cost to the City.

PREPARED BY: Tara H. Peterson, Administrative...

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