File #: 14-060    Version: 1 Name: PACIFIC SPORTS COMPLEX JUA
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/3/2014 Final action: 3/3/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving the Joint Use Agreement Between the San Leandro Unified School District (District) and the City of San Leandro (City) for the Joint Use of Recreational Facilities - Pacific Sports Complex
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving the Joint Use Agreement Between the San Leandro Unified School District (District) and the City of San Leandro (City) for the Joint Use of Recreational Facilities - Pacific Sports Complex


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the Joint Use Agreement (JUA) with the San Leandro Unified School District for the Pacific Sports Complex (PSC). The District's Board will consider this item at its February 25th meeting.


In 2010, San Leandro voters approved Measure M, a $50.1 million dollar school facilities bond. Included on the list of Measure M projects was renovation of the Burrell Field/Pacific Sports Complex, located at the intersection of Teagarden Street and Montague Avenue. Renovations for this facility included installation of a new synthetic turf field upon the existing Burrell Field; new lines on Burrell Field for football, soccer, rugby, and lacrosse; an all-weather track surface with eight lanes x 400m; stadium bleachers; press box; stadium scoreboard; field lights; fencing; restrooms and team rooms; a snack bar and concessions stand; equipment storage; a ticketing facility; two natural grass combination baseball/softball fields; a small playground structure; a new water well; and new parking. The existing tennis courts were also resurfaced as part of this project. All of these facilities are more fully depicted in the diagrams and maps attached to the Joint Use Agreement; the Joint Use Agreement is an exhibit to this staff report.

The District and City have a variety of construction, reciprocal use, and maintenance agreements in place for the entire property that date back many years. For example, earlier agreements go back to 1973 when Pacific High School was in existence. Pertaining to the Pacific Sports Complex itself (exclusive of Burrell Field), the existing maintenance agreement goes back to 1974. Reconstru...

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