File #: 17-045    Version: 1 Name: San Leandro Committment to Inclusivity
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/21/2017 Final action: 2/21/2017
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Affirming the City of San Leandro's Commitment to the Values of Dignity, Inclusivity, and Respect for All Individuals, Regardless of Ethnic or National Origin, Gender, Race, Religious Affiliation, Sexual Orientation, or Immigration Status and Declaring the City of San Leandro a Sanctuary City
Attachments: 1. Executive Order_ Enhancing Public Safety.pdf, 2. USCM Major Cities Chiefs statement.pdf, 3. Alameda Resolution.pdf, 4. Berkeley Resolution 11 29 16.pdf, 5. Emeryville Resolution.pdf, 6. Richmond Resolution 12-6-16.pdf, 7. SLUSD Resolution 17-07-signed.pdf, 8. SLZUSD Draft Reso 2 7 2017.pdf, 9. ALCO Sheriffs Office General Order 1.24.pdf, 10. SB 54 (De Leon) CA Values Act FACT SHEET.pdf
Related files: 17-069
Staff Report for a Resolution Affirming the City of San Leandro's Commitment to the Values of Dignity, Inclusivity, and Respect for All Individuals, Regardless of Ethnic or National Origin, Gender, Race, Religious Affiliation, Sexual Orientation, or Immigration Status and Declaring the City of San Leandro a Sanctuary City


The City Manager recommends that the City Council examine the below analysis and provide direction to staff regarding the attached draft resolution, including but not limited to approval of the attached resolution.


Local San Leandro Efforts to Support Inclusivity and Related Demographics

San Leandro is currently among the most diverse cities in the United States. According to 2011-2015 US Census data, approximately 50% of San Leandro households speak a language other than English at home and 35.5% of San Leandro residents were born outside of the United States. The City of San Leandro has also achieved great strides in embracing this diversity and respecting the civil and human rights of its residents regardless of their ethnic or national origin, gender, race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or immigration status.

The City sponsors an array of projects and programs as part of a long-term commitment to support its diverse residents, including: increasingly robust multi-lingual outreach and messaging efforts, simultaneous translation services at public meetings and events (including tonight's Council meeting), speaker series and other annually-hosted events designed to honor the community's diversity (e.g. MLK oratorical festival, Lunar New Year, and Cinco de Mayo celebrations). The City is also in the process of developing a human service needs gap analysis that will identify specific segments of the local population in need of additional social services. To bolster these efforts, the City is presently working with a Bay Area technology company to better i...

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