File #: 13-303    Version: 1 Name: Council Chamber Audiovisual System
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/17/2013 Final action: 6/17/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Services Agreement with AVI-SPL for $395,381.97 to Design, Construct and Implement a Turn-key Audiovisual Technology Enhancement to the City Council Chamber to Enable Video Broadcast of City Council Meetings
Attachments: 1. PowerPoint 10A Action 2013 0617 Audiovisual Technology Enhancement.pdf
Related files: 13-304
Staff Report for Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Services Agreement with AVI-SPL for $395,381.97 to Design, Construct and Implement a Turn-key Audiovisual Technology Enhancement to the City Council Chamber to Enable Video Broadcast of City Council Meetings


Staff recommends the City Council approve the Services Agreement with AVI-SPL in the amount of $395,381.97 for the necessary upgrades to the audio system, design and installation of video cameras, and upgrades to the voting system and speaker timer hardware components. This project is funded from public, educational and government (PEG) funds, which must be used on capital projects that provide greater public access to government


One of the goals of the City Council includes expanding community involvement and "transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation". This project is to update the audio system and install video cameras in the City Council Chamber to support the goal. An analysis of the Council Chamber revealed an audio system with hardware that is over two decades old. The loudspeakers have lost their fidelity, the Council Chamber's acoustics are poor and the audio signal that is broadcast over the web contains too much background noise that makes listening difficult. Visual presentations by staff or the public can only be seen on a projection screen that is positioned at an odd angle to the audience seats. Many of the seats on the east side (near the main door) of the Council Chamber provide poor sight lines to the screen. There are no current options available to capture presentations for later viewing and archiving.


The City of San Leandro is the only city in Alameda County that does not video broadcast its City Council meetings. With today's busy lifestyles, community members cannot always attend a meeting in the Council Chamber. By videotaping, broadcasting and hosting recorded...

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