File #: 17-027    Version: 1 Name: SR CY14-15 Housing Element Annual Progress Report
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/21/2017 Final action: 2/21/2017
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Approving the City of San Leandro 2014 and 2015 Housing Element Annual Progress Report
Related files: 17-028, 13-564, 14-072, 14-073, 13-563
Staff Report for Resolution Approving the City of San Leandro 2014 and 2015 Housing Element Annual Progress Report


Staff recommends that the City Council review and approve the 2014 and 2015 Annual Progress Reports related to the status and progress in implementing the City's Housing Element. The Annual Progress Report is accompanied by a resolution to meet State reporting requirements pursuant to Govt. Code ?65400, which will then be forwarded to the California Department of Housing and Community Development and Governor's Office of Planning and Research.


The Housing Element is one of the seven required elements of the San Leandro General Plan. The City's current Housing Element Update covers 2015-2023, which replaced the 2007-2014 version and which the City adopted in January 2015, incorporates new data, new housing targets, and new State requirements as part of the 2035 General Plan update process. The State Department of Housing and Community Development certified City's 2015-2023 Housing Element Update in February 2015.

Pursuant to Government Code ?65400, cities and counties must submit an Annual Progress Report every year to the State. Because some State Housing and Community Development Programs have made submittal of the report a funding eligibility requirement, cities and counties are further incentivized to annually complete and submit their Annual Progress Reports. As required by the State, both the 2014 and 2015 Annual Progress Reports will be reported as part of the 2015-2023 Housing Element reporting cycle.


The purpose of the Annual Progress Report is to track and monitor the status of and progress in addressing the City's housing needs and goals. The primary Housing Element goals and objectives include:
1. New housing opportunities
2. Affordable housing development
3. Administration of housing programs
4. Home ownership
5. Affordable housing conservation
6. Green and s...

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