RESOLUTION of the City Council for the City of San Leandro to Award a $10,163,845 Construction Contract to DeSilva Gates Construction, L.P. for the Annual Overlay / Rehabilitation 2017-18, Project No. 2018.0050; to Authorize the City Manager or His Designee to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders Up to 5% of the Original Contract Amount; and to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Change Orders Up to a Cumulative Value of 13% of the Original Contract Amount; and City Council Approval to Amend to the City of San Leandro Budget for the Annual Street Overlay / Rehabilitation 2017-18 project and the Annual Street Overlay / Rehabilitation 2018-19 project. (Provides for replacement of deteriorated pavement on various streets throughout the City)
WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro did, on June 22, 2018, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described in the bid documents for the subject project; and
WHEREAS, said proposals were submitted to the Engineering and Transportation Director who has found that the proposal hereinafter mentioned is the lowest responsive bid by a responsible bidder for doing said work.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
That said City Council hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except that herein mentioned; hereby waives any irregularities in the proposal or bid of the lowest responsible bidder; and hereby awards the contract for doing said work to the lowest responsible bidder therefore, to wit DeSilva Gates Construction, L.P., in the amount of $10,163,845; and
That the City Manager or his designee is authorized to negotiate and approve individual change orders up to a maximum of $508,192, which is 5% of the original contract amount, each; and
That the City Manager or his designee is authorized to negotiate and approve cumulative change orders up to a max...
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