File #: 16-655    Version: 1 Name: SR Annual Report West SL BID
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/5/2016 Final action: 12/5/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Annual Report of the West San Leandro Shuttle Business Improvement District (BID) for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and Directing the City Manager to Impose the BID Assessment Rates As Increased by the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Related files: 16-654
Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Annual Report of the West San Leandro Shuttle Business Improvement District (BID) for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and Directing the City Manager to Impose the BID Assessment Rates As Increased by the Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution accepting the Annual Report of the West San Leandro Shuttle Business Improvement District (BID) for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and direct the City Manager to impose the BID assessment at the increased rates, as recommended by the BID Advisory Board.

Business Improvement District and Annual Report
In December 2014, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 2014-023 expanding the BID service area and re-establishing the West San Leandro Business Improvement District (BID) for a period of 15-years. BID fees are collected through the City's annual business license process.
The Ordinance defines the boundaries of the BID, the amount of the annual assessment, the approved use of the assessment funds, and the effective period of the assessment. The Ordinance requires that an Advisory Board annually review the performance of LINKS for submission to the City Council. In addition, the Ordinance provides that the City Council may increase the annual assessment in an amount not to exceed the increase of the Consumer Price Index (San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose), as part of its review of the annual report.
The five to seven member Advisory Board includes the City's Engineering and Transportation Director and the Director of Finance (or their designees). The business members appointed to the Advisory Board are Dora Wong of Coca Cola Bottling Company, Kristin Anderson of Eric F. Anderson, Inc., Alexandra Vasquez of Peterson Companies, Mike Adelson of Mr. Plastics and Steve Magidson of Docustream. The Advisory Board's duties include review of the LINKS performance and budget and a recommendation for the BID assessment...

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