File #: 14-190    Version: 1 Name: Tree Ordinance for Private Property
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/19/2014 Final action: 5/19/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Consideration of Various Options in Adopting an Ordinance to Protect Significant and Heritage Trees in San Leandro
Attachments: 1. Draft Tree Preservation Ordinance, 2. Exhibits 1 to 2
Related files: 14-205
Staff Report for Consideration of Various Options in Adopting an Ordinance to Protect Significant and Heritage Trees in San Leandro


Staff recommends that the City Council review the information presented, including the draft ordinance, accept public input, and provide direction to staff.


At the February 3, 2014 City Council meeting, several residents spoke during the Public Comment period regarding a large walnut tree that had recently been legally cut down and removed by the single-family residential property owner. The speakers requested that the City Council enact a tree protection or preservation ordinance pertaining to certain trees on private property. Later in that meeting, City Council directed the City Attorney and staff to look at ordinances from other local cities as models for a draft ordinance.

The matter of regulating trees on private property was previously discussed by the City Council. In December 1998, Councilmember Joanne Lothrop shared a tree ordinance from the City of Davis and asked for a report back on the feasibility of enacting a similar ordinance in San Leandro. At the March 1, 1999 City Council meeting, Community Development Director Steve Emslie introduced staff member Dan Nagle, and indicated that Mr. Nagle would be drafting a tree ordinance. A 'Tree Preservation Presentation' was agendized for the April 12, 1999 City Council work session (minutes are not taken for work sessions). Per the September 27, 1999 work session staff report, further public discussion of a draft ordinance was referred to the Planning Commission (May 5, 1999); Board of Zoning Adjustments (May 20, 1999); at three public meetings held on May 22, May 25, and June 2, 1999; and at the request of homeowners' associations.

The September 1999 work session staff report provided several options for consideration (it should be noted that street trees on City property were included in this discu...

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