File #: 14-281    Version: 1 Name: Resolution Authorizing Measure Z Extension
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/7/2014 Final action: 7/7/2014
Enactment date: 7/7/2014 Enactment #: Reso 2014-074
Title: RESOLUTION Establishing November 4, 2014 as the Date for an Election on a Proposed Ballot Measure Seeking Voter Approval Relating to the Enactment of a One-Half of One-Percent (0.5%) Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax for Thirty Years, Establishing the Policies and Procedures for Such an Election and Requesting that the County of Alameda Conduct Such an Election (adds to the November 2014 ballot the subject measure at a cost of approximately $16,500)
Attachments: 1. Text of Sales Tax Ordinance.pdf
Related files: 14-270, 14-278, 14-293
RESOLUTION Establishing November 4, 2014 as the Date for an Election on a Proposed Ballot Measure Seeking Voter Approval Relating to the Enactment of a One-Half of One-Percent (0.5%) Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax for Thirty Years, Establishing the Policies and Procedures for Such an Election and Requesting that the County of Alameda Conduct Such an Election (adds to the November 2014 ballot the subject measure at a cost of approximately $16,500)

WHEREAS, at an election held on November 2, 2010, a majority of the voters of the City of San Leandro approved a local funding measure that provided revenue that could not be taken by the State commonly known as "Measure Z"; and

WHEREAS, Measure Z has been critical in maintaining essential City services, such as 911 emergency response, police patrols, and fire protection, among other programs; and

WHEREAS, Measure Z is set to expire on the seventh anniversary of the operable date thereof, unless extended by a majority of the voters of the City; and

WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro has carefully evaluated how to deal with this potential loss of funds, while continuing to provide the quality of life services that community residents rely upon; and

WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro has taken substantial steps to reduce costs and protect services, including reducing by approximately 20% the overall size of the City workforce since 2008, instituting local and statewide pension reform, including new, reduced-benefit pension tiers and increasing the required contributions of all City employees; and.

WHEREAS, the City has deferred maintenance in its public facilities including neighborhood streets, roads, and infrastructure due to lack of funding so that other services could be maintained; and

WHEREAS, independent experts rate San Leandro's streets as the second worst in the County and its Pavement Condition Index h...

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