File #: 18-002    Version: 1 Name: Adoption of Bay Fair TOD FEIR & Plan
Type: Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 1/18/2018 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Public Hearing to Recommend Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan and to Recommend to the City Council Adoption of the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A_Bay Fair TOD Plan Area Map, 2. Exhibit B_CAC Mtg #4 Minutes_Draft
Related files: 15-487, 16-245, 17-137, 18-003, 18-004, 23-116
Public Hearing to Recommend Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan and to Recommend to the City Council Adoption of the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan


The proposed Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan is the culmination of a comprehensive public planning process that formally began in 2016 and has taken over 2 years. The Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan (Specific Plan) establishes a 20 year long-term "vision for a sustainable, vibrant, walkable, and safe transit-oriented village with a diversity of land uses serving residents, workers, and visitors." An environmental impact report (EIR) is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as part of the proposed Specific Plan. See Exhibit A for the Plan Area map and boundaries.

The Planning Commission is considering tonight two resolutions related to the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan: the first resolution (PC Resolution 2018-001) recommends that the City Council certify the Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). The second resolution (PC Resolution 2018-002) recommends that the City Council adopt the Specific Plan. Upon final adoption of the Specific Plan by the City Council, the Addendum will be integrated or phased into a Final Specific Plan document for public and City use.

At its fourth and final meeting on October 23, 2017, the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan Community Advisory Committee (CAC) reviewed the Draft Specific Plan and voted 14-0 (with 7 members absent) to affirm its support of the Draft Plan and its comprehensiveness to the Planning Commission and City Council (see Exhibit B, Draft Minutes of the October 23, 2017 CAC Meeting).

Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve both resolutions. Following the Planning Commission's recommendations, the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider the FEIR and Specific P...

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