File #: 20-138    Version: 1 Name: Revenue Measure Feasibility and Polling Services
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 4/20/2020 Final action: 4/20/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for City of San Leandro City Council Resolutions Authorizing the Strategic Consulting and Revenue Measure Feasibility Polling Services Agreements and Approve Appropriation of Funds from the General Fund Economic Uncertainty Reserves
Attachments: 1. Godbe San Leandro Voter Survey Proposal 3.19.20, 2. Clifford Moss Scope April 2020, 3. Clifford Moss Budget April 2020
Related files: 20-139, 20-140
Staff Report for City of San Leandro City Council Resolutions Authorizing the Strategic Consulting and Revenue Measure Feasibility Polling Services Agreements and Approve Appropriation of Funds from the General Fund Economic Uncertainty Reserves


Staff recommends adoption of the proposed resolutions authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements with Clifford Moss and Godbe Research and approve appropriation of funding from the General Fund Economic Uncertainty reserves.


At the February 11, 2020 City Council retreat, City staff presented the results of community surveying/polling that was completed in June 2019 at the direction of the City Council regarding the viability of various potential future revenue measures. Following that presentation, the City Council directed staff to continue moving forward with exploration of a potential increase in the real property transfer tax as part of the November 2020 election.

To move forward with the City Council's direction, staff now requests that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the draft agreements. Specifically, the proposed agreement with Clifford Moss will provide lead consulting and strategic project management support, and the proposed agreement with Godbe Research would facilitate an additional revenue measure feasibility tracking poll in Spring 2020.


Staff recommends sole source contracts with these vendors based upon several factors, including their distinct subject matter expertise as well as San Leandro-specific knowledge that was obtained through past work experience on prior revenue measure feasibility studies in San Leandro, including their support for the prior polling work that was conducted on behalf of the City of San Leandro last year. Additionally, the information provided by this analysis will be used to inform further discussions by the City Council in the coming months. In order to ensure suffici...

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