File #: 14-421    Version: 1 Name: CIP Process
Type: Presentation Status: Received
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/6/2014 Final action: 10/6/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Presentation and Discussion of Capital Improvement Program Process (CIP)
Attachments: 1. PowerPoint
Staff Report for Presentation and Discussion of Capital Improvement Program Process (CIP)


Preceding the adoption of each new city budget, a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is prepared for inclusion into the budget. This report discusses the process that has been used in developing that program.

This report is provided in preparation for the staff presentation at the October 6, 2014 Council Meeting and Council discussions regarding potential changes to the process.



The CIP represents the spending plan for infrastructure improvements and other specific large-scale capital acquisitions. These projects include construction of new facilities and significant facility maintenance or upgrades. As part of each budget cycle, project requests are submitted to the Engineering and Transportation Department by all departments where they are melded into a common list. Through a process involving the department heads, serving as a CIP Committee, the Finance Department, the City Manager, and City Council, projects are selected to be funded through the budget process.

Project Selection Process

Unfunded Project List

A list of CIP requests is maintained by the Engineering and Transportation Department. New requests are received and added on a year-round basis. Project requests have few restrictions except that they have an initial value of at least $50,000 and that "enhancement" projects (requests that build new facilities) be discussed with the City Manager prior to being submitted. In any given year, the list will typically contain more than 100 requests. Requests remain on the list indefinitely unless they are removed by the sponsoring department.

Initial Request Prioritization

The CIP Project selection process starts with the department heads acting as the CIP Committee, rating each of the projects based on their individual opinion of the need and benefit of the project ...

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