File #: 12-044    Version: Name: Eliminate the Left-Turn Restrictions from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/19/2012 Final action: 3/19/2012
Enactment date: 3/19/2012 Enactment #: Ordinance 2012-003
Title: Ordinance No. 2012-003, an Ordinance Amending the City of San Leandro Traffic Code, in Accordance with Chapter 6-1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, to Eliminate the Left-Turn Restrictions from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way When the Traffic Signal Upgrade Project is Implemented at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard Intersection
Related files: 12-043
Ordinance No. 2012-003, an Ordinance Amending the City of San Leandro Traffic Code, in Accordance with Chapter 6-1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, to Eliminate the Left-Turn Restrictions from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way When the Traffic Signal Upgrade Project is Implemented at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard Intersection
WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro recognizes that the left-turn restrictions from northbound Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way, respectively are no longer necessary; and
WHEREAS there is a need to upgrade the traffic signal at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1.        Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-1-200 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, the left-turn restrictions from northbound Washington Avenue to Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way, respectively are eliminated.
Section 2.        The relevant provisions of the City of San Leandro Traffic Code shall be amended to reflect the elimination of left-turn restrictions from northbound Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way, respectively.
This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after adoption.  The City Clerk is directed to publish the title once and post a complete copy thereof on the City Council Chamber bulletin board for five (5) days prior to adoption.
      Introduced by Councilmember Starosciak on this 5th day of March, 2012, and passed to print by the following called vote:  
Members of the Council:
AYES:      Councilmembers Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza, Starosciak;
Mayor Cassidy      (7)
NOES:      None      (0)
ABSENT:      None      (0)