File #: 12-037    Version: 1 Name: I-880 HOV Aesthetic Features
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/21/2012 Final action: 2/21/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Forward the City’s Selected and Approved Aesthetic Features as Shown in Attachments 2A and 2B for the Marina Boulevard and Davis Street (State Route (SR) 112)/I-880 Interchanges in San Leandro for the I-880 Southbound HOV Project
Attachments: 1. AttachmentA-B-I-880-Davis-Marina-Jan2012.pdf
Related files: 12-040
Staff Report for Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Forward the City’s Selected and Approved Aesthetic Features as Shown in Attachments 2A and 2B for the Marina Boulevard and Davis Street (State Route (SR) 112)/I-880 Interchanges in San Leandro for the I-880 Southbound HOV Project


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to forward the City’s selected and approved aesthetic features as shown in Attachments 2A and 2B for the Marina Boulevard and Davis Street (SR112/I-880) Interchanges to the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) and Caltrans for inclusion in the I-880 Southbound High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Project.


The $108 million I-880 Southbound HOV Project will extend the southbound HOV lane from just south of Marina Boulevard to Hegenberger Road. The project will reconstruct both the Davis Street and Marina Boulevard overcrossings. The project will also construct improvements to accommodate additional traffic by providing signalized off-ramps at Marina Boulevard and an additional lane on Davis Street from the southbound off-ramp to Warden Avenue. The majority of the project is being constructed with funds from the 2006 Proposition 1B Bond, with additional funds provided by developer contributions for improvements at Marina Boulevard and Measure B and Federal Earmark funds for the new lane on Davis Street.

Recognizing the special circumstance of the project and the singular opportunity for implementing the General Plan’s goal of providing a gateway at these major entrances into the city, Staff requested that aesthetic improvements be made to the interchanges. The Alameda CTC and its consultants, WMH Corporation and Haygood & Associates Landscape Architects, developed a basic design feature set. There were four aesthetic features identified in the preliminary design. The features included: 1) End Corbel; 2) Retaining Wall/Wingwall...

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