File #: 13-228    Version: 1 Name: Cottage Food Operations
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/20/2013 Final action: 5/20/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Proposed Amendments to the City of San Leandro Zoning Code to Implement New State Law AB1616, to Create Regulations for Cottage Food Operations by Adding a Definition for Cottage Food Operations in Article 3, Section 1-304; to Allow for Such Use in all Zoning Districts within a Residential Unit in Article 16 by Adding Section 4-1688 Cottage Food Operations; to Add Cottage Food Operations Parameters to the Administrative Exception Process in Article 5, Section 2-574; and, to Create a Parking Standard Whereby One Off-Street Employee Parking Space Is Required for a Cottage Food Operation in Article 17, Section 4-1704
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Excerpt of the Draft Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of April 18 2013, 2. Attachment B: Excerpt of the Draft Minutes of the Board of Zoning Adjustments meeting of April 4 2013, 3. Attachment C: California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health Fact Sheet on AB 1616, 4. Attachment D: Alameda County Department of Environmental Health Registration-Permitting Form, 5. Attachment E: Alameda County Department of Environmental Health Self-Certification Checklist, 6. PowerPoint 3A Public Hearing 2013 0520.pdf
Related files: 13-229
Staff Report for Proposed Amendments to the City of San Leandro Zoning Code to Implement New State Law AB1616, to Create Regulations for Cottage Food Operations by Adding a Definition for Cottage Food Operations in Article 3, Section 1-304; to Allow for Such Use in all Zoning Districts within a Residential Unit in Article 16 by Adding Section 4-1688 Cottage Food Operations; to Add Cottage Food Operations Parameters to the Administrative Exception Process in Article 5, Section 2-574; and, to Create a Parking Standard Whereby One Off-Street Employee Parking Space Is Required for a Cottage Food Operation in Article 17, Section 4-1704


Staff proposes amendments to the City Zoning Code related to Cottage Food Operations, a new use that would allow for limited commercial food preparation in residential dwellings, subject to licensing and regulation by the Alameda County Environmental Health Department and the City of San Leandro.

The proposed amendments make the following changes to the Zoning Code: Amends Article 3 Definitions, to create a definition of "Cottage Food Operations"; adds a new section to Article 16 Development Regulations, to create regulations for Cottage Food Operations that allow such use in all zoning districts within a residential unit; amends Article 5, Section 2-574 Administrative Exceptions, to add the option of an exception to the Cottage Food Operation parameters as an Administrative Exception process; and adds "Cottage Food Operations" to the parking requirement table in Article 17, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, to create a parking standard whereby one off-street employee parking space is required for a Cottage Food Operation.

Staff recommends that the City Council take public testimony on the proposed amendments; adopt the CEQA findings for exemption; and adopt the proposed Zoning Code Amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission on April 18, 2013.


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