File #: 16-353    Version: 1 Name: CSA with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for WPCP Rehab Closeout (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/19/2016 Final action: 9/19/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for Close-out Consulting Services and Services not completed under the Engineering Consulting Services Agreement on the Water Pollution Control Plant Rehabilitation Project, Project No. 08-593-52-239
Attachments: 1. Carollo CSA for WasteWater Treatment
Related files: 16-355
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for Close-out Consulting Services and Services not completed under the Engineering Consulting Services Agreement on the Water Pollution Control Plant Rehabilitation Project, Project No. 08-593-52-239


Staff recommends approval of an agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for close-out consulting services and to complete services originally required under the Engineering Consulting Services Agreement for $3,231,229 on the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Rehabilitation project.


Carollo Engineers, Inc. was contracted by the City to provide services for the WPCP Rehabilitation project, as follows:
* Design services for $3,763,298, and
* Engineering consulting services during construction for $3,231,229
The second agreement expired December 31, 2015, however, some of the tasks were not completed. The remaining tasks include preparation of as-built record drawings and operations and maintenance manuals, which could be performed only after the contractor has completed all punchlist work and submitted redlined plans.

The City Council accepted construction work of the WPCP Rehabilitation project and authorized filing of Notice of Completion on May 2, 2016; however, the following significant issues remain unresolved with the contractor:
1. Potential and alleged delay costs;
2. Potential imposition of liquidated damages;
3. Unresolved change orders; and
4. Credit for scope of work removed from the contract.


Carollo Engineers, Inc. did not complete the scope of work on the second contract within the original contract amount plus change orders of $1,453,089 due to construction delays that were not within their control. The outstanding work from the original contract consists of preparation of record drawings and creation of an operation and maintenance manual database. The value of the outstandi...

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