File #: 15-347    Version: 1 Name: SR: Community Workforce Agreement
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/15/2015 Final action: 6/15/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Community Workforce Agreement with the Alameda County Building and Construction Trades Council and Its Affiliated Local Unions Governing Labor Procedures for City Construction Projects Valued Above $1,000,000
Attachments: 1. PowerPoint
Related files: 15-348
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Community Workforce Agreement with the Alameda County Building and Construction Trades Council and Its Affiliated Local Unions Governing Labor Procedures for City Construction Projects Valued Above $1,000,000


Based on direction from the City Council and the City Council Finance Committee, staff negotiated with the Alameda County Building and Construction Trades Council ("BTC") a Community Workforce Agreement. The Agreement would establish the BTC and its affiliated labor unions as the sole bargaining representative of all persons working on City construction projects valued above $1,000,000. Further, the Agreement would set in place certain policies and goals related to the hiring of San Leandro residents to work on City construction projects and the hiring of San Leandro residents into the signatory unions' apprenticeship programs.

Staff recommends that the City Council review and consider for adoption the proposed resolution approving the Community Workforce Agreement. The Agreement has an effective date of January 1, 2016 and a term of three years.


Staff considers the following 2014-2015 City Council goals applicable to the City Council's consideration of this Agreement:

* Place San Leandro on a firm foundation for long-term fiscal sustainability;
* Advance projects and programs promoting sustainable economic development, including transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation; and
* Maintain and enhance San Leandro's infrastructure.

A Community Workforce Agreement ("CWA," referred to from time to time and by other jurisdictions as a Project Labor Agreement or PLA) is a contract between a public agency and the respective building and construction trades groups or unions within the jurisdiction of the public agency that governs, among other things, the role of organized construction trades unions in the execution of a public agen...

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