PLN22-0039; Consideration of a Resolution certifying an Environmental Impact Report and adopting required CEQA findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; and consideration of a Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit, Administrative Site Plan Review, and Administrative Exception (Height) to allow the construction and operation of a new 50-foot-tall, approximately 244,573-square-foot warehouse and distribution building at 880 Doolittle Drive. Zoning District: IG, Industrial General; Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 77A-741-4-2 and 77A-741-5; Prologis, LP. (applicant)
The applicant is proposing the construction of an approximately 244,573-square-foot, 50-foot-tall industrial building, which would include 15,000 square feet of office space, on an approximately 14.14 acre site located at 880 Doolittle Drive.
The applicant is requesting Planning Commission approval of Administrative Site Plan Review to allow the development of the proposed industrial building, associated site improvements, and landscaping, an Administrative Exception (Height) to allow the building to be up to 50 feet in height, and a Conditional Use Permit to authorize -Warehouse - Storage Facilities and Warehouse - Wholesale/Retail Distribution uses on site, which are conditionally permitted uses in the Industrial General (IG) Zoning District. There is no tenant identified at this time.
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and circulated for the project in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). An EIR was prepared because the project would include new natural gas connections, which would have the potential to contribute to the long-term generation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, an environmental impact that cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a R...
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