File #: 16-686    Version: 1 Name: Final Ratification Business License Tax Ordinance
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/19/2016 Final action: 12/19/2016
Enactment date: 12/19/2016 Enactment #: Ordinance 2016-025
Title: An ORDINANCE of the City of San Leandro Amending Title 2, Chapter 2-2 of the San Leandro Municipal Code Relating to Business License Tax
An ORDINANCE of the City of San Leandro Amending Title 2, Chapter 2-2 of the San Leandro Municipal Code Relating to Business License Tax


The City Council of the City of San Leandro does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. Amendments.

A. Section 2-2-220 is hereby amended to read as follows, with deletions in strikethrough and additions in underlined text:
Business classification shall mean the following general business categories:
(a) Automobile Wrecking. Any person engaged in the business of buying or trading used or wrecked motor vehicles and reselling the parts thereof or the building of motor vehicles from the salvaged parts of such motor vehicles.
(b) Bingo shall mean a game of chance in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated numbers or symbols on a card which conform to numbers or symbols selected at random.
(c) Carnival. Any person engaged in the business of operating a carnival, circus or other itinerant amusement concession, excluding an activity for which a permit has been obtained pursuant to the Zoning Code of the City of San Leandro and which is:
(1) An incidental part of an overall business promotional activity conducted by an organized group of merchants licensed to do business within the City.
(2) Carried on, by, or on behalf of a civic, religious, cultural, benevolent or similar nonprofit organization with a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the gross receipts of such activity to be received by such organization.
(3) A neighborhood carnival, exhibit, celebration or festival sponsored by an organized group of residents in the vicinity, provided that no mechanical rides are a part of such activity.
(4) A booth for charitable, welfare or patriotic purposes.
(d) Christmas Tree and Pumpkin Sales. Christmas tree and pumpkin sales shall mean the selling of Christmas trees and pumpkins at retail, excluding such sales by a licensee from a permanently established licensed place of business within the City.
(e) Coin-Operated ...

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