File #: 16-351    Version: 1 Name: TCD Project 2016-17
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/18/2016 Final action: 7/18/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report to Approve a Sole-Source Non-Professional Services Agreement in the Amount of $211,500 with United Storm Water, Inc. to Install Full Trash Capture Devices in Various City Storm Drain Catch Basins
Attachments: 1. San Leandro Long Term Trash Reduction Plan 02-14, 2. Contractor Local Business Solicitation Letter, 3. Contractor Shoulder Closure Traffic Plan, 4. Contractor Right Lane Closure Traffic Plan
Related files: 16-352
Staff Report to Approve a Sole-Source Non-Professional Services Agreement in the Amount of $211,500 with United Storm Water, Inc. to Install Full Trash Capture Devices in Various City Storm Drain Catch Basins


This project will allow the City to achieve 70% trash reduction from the City storm drain system by 2017 as required by Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) 2.0, adopted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board November 19, 2015.

Staff recommends City Council adopt a Resolution approving a sole-source Non-Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $211,500 to United Storm Water, Inc. to install full trash capture devices (TCDs) in up to 400 storm drain catch basins within the City.

Staff recommends a sole source contract for the installation of these TCDs with United Storm Water, Inc. because this vendor manufactured and installed the Phase I TCDs in the City back in 2010.


In 2010, the City installed full TCDs in 250 catch basins through a grant from the Association of Bay Area Governments. This installation (Phase I) was done to help meet the 40% trash reduction goal by July 1, 2014, as required by the original MRP.

As part of MRP 2.0, cities throughout the Bay Area are required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board to implement a Plan to achieve a target of 100% (i.e. full) trash reduction from municipal storm drain systems by July 1, 2022, with an interim milestone of 70% reduction by July 1, 2017 (Phase II).

Per the City's Long Term Trash Load Reduction Plan, the installation of full trash capture devices, along with trash capture devices being installed in private systems was deemed the most effective way to comply with these requirements.


The Long Term Trash Reduction Plan submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board in January, 2014 (attached) divided the City into five trash-generating areas designated as Very Hig...

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