File #: 13-503    Version: Name: Gen Plan/Hsg Element RFP Presentation
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/21/2013 Final action: 10/21/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for the Upcoming General Plan and Housing Element Update Process
Related files: 16-405, 15-351, 14-103, 14-018, 14-410, 15-453, 16-324, 16-456, 16-457, 15-321, 15-545, 16-341, 16-455
Staff Report for the Upcoming General Plan and Housing Element Update Process


The City plans to undertake an open and competitive process to select a qualified and experienced consulting firm to prepare the upcoming General Plan and Housing Element Updates. The updates to the General Plan and Housing Element will occur over the next two or more years. Funding is included in the FY2013-2015 budget.

This report is for your information only, and no action is required.


State law recommends the General Plan be updated every 5 to 10 years, although there is no statutory requirement. The City last updated its General Plan, which covers the time period through 2015, in 2002. The 2002 effort represented a major overhaul and modernization of the prior General Plan and provides a strong foundation for the forthcoming update process to build on. Key new issues which the General Plan Update shall address include the future direction of the industrial area (including recommendations from the recent Next Generation Workplace District Study), impacts from Plan Bay Area and the greenhouse gas emission reductions thresholds under SB 375, and State-mandated issues such as incorporation of Complete Streets policies. Staff anticipates completing the General Plan Update in 2015.

The City last updated its Housing Element in 2010. The statutory deadline for the next Housing Element Update cycle is early 2014. The Housing Element serves as one of the most prominent elements of the General Plan and is the most regulated section. It details the City's progress toward the State-required fair share housing obligations and housing unit production goals by income levels as established by the Association of Bay Area Governments. The update of the Housing Element will occur in 2014 in order to meet the deadline, followed by the General Plan update.

Under an RFP process, City staff will solicit applications...

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