File #: 12-372    Version: 1 Name: BRT Project - Designating Locally Preferred Alternative
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/16/2012 Final action: 7/16/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for the Resolution Designating the City of San Leandro’s Locally Preferred Alternative for the AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - AC Transit BRT Alternative Design - Option 1.pdf, 2. Exhibit 2 - AC Transit BRT Dedicated Lanes to Monument - Option 2.pdf
Related files: 12-373
Staff Report for the Resolution Designating the City of San Leandro’s Locally Preferred Alternative for the AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project


As a result of the July 9, 2012 Council Work Session, staff will forward to Council for approval Option 2 (see Exhibit 2) as the City of San Leandro’s Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project, which will read as follows:

As introduced by AC Transit at the May 31, 2012 joint City - AC Transit meeting, a modified LPA that eliminates elements of the original LPA that will end the dedicated lanes just south of Broadmoor Boulevard and will relocate stations to shorten the walking distances to senior housing locations, as shown in the attached Exhibit 2. This LPA shall include the following conditions:

· In conjunction with the commencement of the BRT service, AC Transit shall offer a frequent and continuous service on East 14th Street that allows riders to travel between the northern and southern San Leandro borders without transferring buses.

· Prior to the commencement of the BRT Service, AC Transit shall explore and implement ideas that create a “Complete Transit Experience” for San Leandro citizens that include a more encompassing and frequent east-west service that allows transit users to reach locations such as BART, BRT, shopping, and work centers in a convenient and timely manner.

· AC Transit shall, as soon as possible, explore the means and feasibility of extending BRT along the length of East 14th Street to Bay Fair BART, insuring the flexibility of adding this segment in the future.

· AC Transit shall make accommodations for a southbound East 14th Street left turn to eastbound Broadmoor Boulevard.


The Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project is proposed to provide high quality, fast, and frequent express bus service along a 14-m...

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