File #: 12-104    Version: 1 Name: Lobbying Projects
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/5/2012 Final action: 3/5/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for City Council Review of Projects for Presentation to the City’s Congressional Representatives and Administrative Departments During the March National League of Cities Conference in Washington D.C. for Inclusion in the Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Budget
Attachments: 1. Sustainability Project Summary, 2. Lit San Leandro Broadband Project Summary, 3. Shoreline Project Summary
Staff Report for City Council Review of Projects for Presentation to the City’s Congressional Representatives and Administrative Departments During the March National League of Cities Conference in Washington D.C. for Inclusion in the Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Budget


Annually, members of the City Council travel to Washington D.C. during the National League of Cities conference and lobby congressional delegates to include City projects for funding in the federal budget for the coming year. This process, coordinated by the City’s Federal Relations Representative Len Simon, includes meeting with Senators, Representatives and staff with presentation of written material in support of the City’s selected projects. These efforts have proven successful with partially funded projects over the past several years, such as the Senior Community Center, East 14th Street improvements, and the Davis/880 Interchange. Staff recommends that the City Council review the list of recommended economic development projects for presentation to the City’s congressional representatives and administrative departments for consideration in the federal FY 2013 budget.


While it is not clear as to available funding at the federal level, it is important to proceed with identifying beneficial projects to the City. Due to the slow economic recovery, the recent impacts by the loss of the Redevelopment Agency, as well as the potential opportunities within the city, staff has focused on economic development projects. Based on input from the Council, our federal relations representative, and City staff, the following projects are recommended:

Sustainable Industry Initiatives

To ensure San Leandro’s businesses and building stock remain relevant, a primary economic development goal is to assist companies in repositioning older buildings and adopting new technologies and sustainable business practices. The City’s Industrial Competitiveness Program (I...

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