File #: 16-152    Version: 1 Name: GP Conformity for Sale 1188 E.14th
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 3/17/2016 Final action: 3/17/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: General Plan Conformity Finding Regarding the Disposition of Property Located at 1188 East 14th Street (APN: 077-0447-007-01), the City-owned parking lot that is a parcel within a development opportunity site within the City's Downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy (Strategy), which will facilitate a higher density and mixed use development to advance the Strategy's goals.
Attachments: 1. Attachmt A_Aerial View, 2. Attachmt B_General Plan Land Use Map
General Plan Conformity Finding Regarding the Disposition of Property Located at 1188 East 14th Street (APN: 077-0447-007-01), the City-owned parking lot that is a parcel within a development opportunity site within the City's Downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy (Strategy), which will facilitate a higher density and mixed use development to advance the Strategy's goals.


On February 16, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) for $1.29 million with Sansome Pacific Properties, Inc. (Sansome Pacific), to sell the City-owned parking lot at 1188 East 14th Street. Sansome Pacific's development plans include constructing approximately 90 residential units above ground floor retail.

Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find that the proposed disposition of the City-owned parking lot (APN 077-0447-007-01) at 1188 East 14th Street is consistent with the San Leandro General Plan.


The adoption of the Strategy in 2007 included the identification of several opportunity sites that were determined well-suited to the high-density, walkable development characteristics envisioned in the plan. One of the opportunity sites is the block bounded by East 14th Street, Callan Avenue, Hyde Street, and Chumalia Street, which is comprised of a corner parcel and building owned by CVS Health ("CVS"), a mixed use property controlled by the Portuguese Fraternal Society of America ("PFSA"), and a City-owned parking lot. This block was selected because of its central location at the most significant intersection in Downtown San Leandro.

When the TOD Strategy was adopted there was little opportunity for new development at this location because CVS (then known as Long's Drugs) was operating a pharmacy on the corner parcel and had a long-term lease for non-exclusive use of the City-owned parking lot at no cost. When the City Cou...

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