File #: 16-363    Version: 1 Name: RES Denial Greenhouse PLN15-0031
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/18/2016 Final action: 5/24/2019
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: RESOLUTION to Affirm the Decision of the Planning Commission that Effectively Denies the Appeal by WRI Greenhouse of the Planning Commission's Disapproval of PLN15-0031 to Modify the Planned Development PD-83-3 APL16-0002 (Appeal of Planning Commission Denial of PLN15-0031)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A: Findings of Fact for Denial of PLN15-0031
Related files: 16-156, 16-159, 16-358
RESOLUTION to Affirm the Decision of the Planning Commission that Effectively Denies the Appeal by WRI Greenhouse of the Planning Commission's Disapproval of PLN15-0031 to Modify the Planned Development PD-83-3 APL16-0002 (Appeal of Planning Commission Denial of PLN15-0031)

WHEREAS, Tom Wilson Architect, Inc. (the "Applicant") submitted an application for major modifications to the fa?ade at 699 Lewelling Boulevard/Greenhouse Marketplace (PLN 15-0031) ("Project") consisting of removing the glass atrium features and replacing features with sign towers/roofing, adding stone veneers to columns, and new paint color. The Project includes an application for an amendment to the existing Planned Development (PD-83-3); and
WHEREAS, the Greenhouse Marketplace was built approximately 30 years ago, with slight modifications in 2003 (99 Cent Only Stores), 2005 (Safeway), and 2011 (McDonalds); and
WHEREAS, the proposed Project site is currently zoned (CC) Commercial Community District and has a General Plan designation of General Commercial. The Project site is bordered by Interstate-880 and Interstate-238 to the northeast; residential, and commercial land uses to the west; and commercial, public, and residential land uses to the south.
WHEREAS, the project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act per (CEQA) Guidelines, Article 19 Section 15301 Existing Facilities; and
WHEREAS, the Project also requires a Planned Development Project Approval, pursuant to 3-1012 of the Zoning Code, and
WHEREAS, the proposed Planned Development Project Approval does not satisfy all the requisite findings as further explained in the staff report associated with this resolution, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a noticed Public Hearing regarding the proposed Project on March 17, 2016 and voted to continue the Public Hearin...

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