File #: 16-124    Version: 1 Name: Public Art Master Plan Staff Report
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/21/2016 Final action: 3/21/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contractual Services Agreement Between the City of San Leandro and Gail M. Goldman Associates, LLC for a Public Art Master Plan for an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000
Attachments: 1. Review of Current City Public Art Collection
Related files: 16-125
Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contractual Services Agreement Between the City of San Leandro and Gail M. Goldman Associates, LLC for a Public Art Master Plan for an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000


Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contractual services agreement with Gail M. Goldman Associates, LLC for an amount not to exceed $50,000 to prepare a comprehensive Public Art Master Plan.

With a continued focus on the expansion of the City's public art program, and the establishment of the Arts Commission, the City seeks direction for the public art program through the creation of a Public Art Master Plan. Staff recommends that the City Manager approve a contract services agreement with Gail M. Goldman Associates, LLC to develop a comprehensive Public Art Master Plan that will provide direction to San Leandro's Arts Commission and guide the development of a public art program within the City. The Public Art Master Plan will identify resources for the support, maintenance, and expansion of public art throughout San Leandro and priorities for public art improvements in alignment with City planning and design.


September 2, 2014, City Council established the San Leandro Arts Commission - Ordinance No. 2014-015.

April 20, 2015, City Council appropriated funds from General Fund reserve for a Public Art Master Plan.

October 5, 2015, the City released the RFP for consulting services and proposals; proposals were due December 1, 2015.

January 25, 2016, a four-member selection panel convened to review the proposals and select a consultant. The panel consisted of two City staff and two Commissioners. Gail M. Goldman Associates, LLC is the panel's top choice. The selection was presented to the Arts Commission at its February 10, 2016 regular meeting.

The City received four proposals in respons...

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