Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Ordinance to Require Large Grocery Stores in San Leandro to Pay Employees an Additional Five Dollars per Hour in Temporary Hazard Pay During a Specified Period of Time Associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic
Per the City Council's direction, staff presents this staff report and the attached ordinance. If adopted, it would require large retail grocery food stores in San Leandro to pay employees an additional five dollars per hour in temporary "hazard pay" during a specified period of time associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.
At the January 19, 2021 regular City Council meeting, Vice Mayor Aguilar made a request, which was affirmed by a majority vote of the City Council, for staff to bring forward a discussion and draft related to the possible adoption of an urgency ordinance that would require additional hourly pay for grocery store workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Per that request, staff developed an urgency ordinance for the City Council's consideration. Staff presents this regular ordinance to address the possibility that the California Grocers' Association, through litigation against the City, is able to overturn the urgency findings of the urgency ordinance. The adoption of this "back up" ordinance by way of the usual procedure (two readings) will ensure that only those actions taken to comply with the Ordinance during the "gap" between the effective date of the urgency ordinance and this regular ordinance are then vulnerable to challenge.
If adopted, this ordinance would impose a temporary $5 per hour increase (also referred to as "hazard pay") to the hourly wages earned by retail grocery store workers, as defined. It would require the covered employers to pay hazard pay to all workers for any pay period for 120 days from the effective date of the ordinance, or during which the City of San Leandro is within a Widespread (purple), Subs...
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