File #: 16-202    Version: 1 Name: Resolution - Authorization to Submit Bottles & Cans Grant Application
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/2/2016 Final action: 5/2/2016
Enactment date: 5/2/2016 Enactment #: Reso 2016-049
Title: RESOLUTION Authorizing the Submittal of an Application to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for the Beverage Container Recycling City and County Payment Program
Related files: 16-201


RESOLUTION Authorizing the Submittal of an Application to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for the Beverage Container Recycling City and County Payment Program



WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code sections 48000 et seq., 14581, and 42023.1(g) the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) has established the Beverage Container Recycling City and County Payment Program (Payment Program) to make payments to qualifying jurisdictions; and


WHEREAS, in furtherance of this authority CalRecycle is required to establish procedures governing the administration of the Payment Program; and


WHEREAS, CalRecycle’s procedures for administering the Payment Program requires an applicant’s governing body to declare by resolution certain authorizations related to the administration of the Payment Program.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of San Leandro authorizes the submittal of the Beverage Container Recycling City and County Payment Program application to CalRecycle; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Works Director, or his/her designee, is hereby authorized as Signature Authority to execute all documents necessary to implement and secure payment; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this authorization is effective until rescinded by the Signature Authority or this governing body.