File #: 14-278    Version: Name: Ordinance Extending Measure Z
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/7/2014 Final action: 12/1/2014
Enactment date: 12/1/2014 Enactment #: Ordinance 2014-012
Title: ORDINANCE of the People of the City of San Leandro Enacting a Transactions and Use Tax to Be Administered by the State Board of Equalization (enacts a 0.5% transactions and use tax for 30 years)
Related files: 14-270, 14-281, 14-293
ORDINANCE of the People of the City of San Leandro Enacting a Transactions and Use Tax to Be Administered by the State Board of Equalization (enacts a 0.5% transactions and use tax for 30 years)

WHEREAS, Section 7285.9 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code authorizes cities to levy, increase or extend a transactions and use tax ("sales tax" or "sales and use tax") at a rate of 0.125% (or any multiple thereof) to be expended for general purposes, which transactions and use tax is subject to the approval by a two-thirds majority vote of all the members of the City Council and by a majority vote of the qualified voters of the City voting in an election on the issue; and

WHEREAS, Article XIII C, section 2 of the California Constitution requires that a general tax must be approved by a majority vote of the qualified voters of the City voting in an election on the issue, and that said election shall be consolidated with a regularly scheduled general election for members of the governing body of the local government; and

WHEREAS, a majority of the voters of the City of San Leandro approved a one-quarter cent (0.25%) Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax, which expires March 2018; and

WHEREAS, this local funding that cannot be taken by the State has ensured that current service levels for public safety, parks, libraries, and other City services and programs are maintained with a reliable source of voter-approved funding; and

WHEREAS, although this funding maintains current service levels, it does not allow the City to address a growing backlog of unfunded public safety, infrastructure, and other program and service needs; and

WHEREAS, upon expiration of the current sales and use tax measure, the City of San Leandro faces an ongoing budget deficit in the magnitude of approximately $4 million annually, which would result in drastic reductions in many of the City's existing s...

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