Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Non-Professional Services Agreement with ACCO Engineered Systems to Add Services in the Amount of $105,727.31 for the Main Library Boiler Replacement Project
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to approve Amendment No. 1 to a Non-Professional Services Agreement with ACCO Engineered Systems to add services in the amount of $105,727.31, a 46% increase, as part of the Main Library Boiler Replacement Project for a total cost of $334,639.87.
On December 18, 2017, City Council approved a Non-Professional Services Agreement with ACCO Engineered Systems to replace the boilers at the Main Library in the amount of $228,912.56.
The project is a straightforward equipment installation with no design work. Staff chose to streamline procurement using a cooperative purchasing contract through the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) using a project delivery method called Job Order Contracting (JOC). JOC is a competitively bid, fixed price, multi-year construction contract based on published unit prices. The unit prices are used to price construction tasks associated with the scope of work. The process conforms to the California Government Code and Joint Exercise of Powers Act (Government Code 6500) and satisfies the City's purchasing requirements. ACCO Engineered Systems was selected from the NJPA's pool of qualified contractors and provided a detailed cost proposal using Gordian's ezIQC tool.
A purchase order was issued on February 23, 2018 and design work has begun for the boiler replacement project.
On July 2, 2018, ACCO Engineered Systems provided a modified work order with a cost proposal in the amount of $105,727.31 to install a motorized minimum flow bypass loop as required by the boiler manufacturer, to remove existing ceiling mounted heating hot water pumps, and to provi...
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