File #: 16-108    Version: 1 Name: Sl Ballpark Locker / Restroom - Accept (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/16/2016 Final action: 5/16/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the San Leandro Ball Park Locker/Restroom Refurbishment; Project No. 2003.0331
Attachments: 1. San Leandro Ballpark Locker CC Acceptance Photo
Related files: 16-109
Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the San Leandro Ball Park Locker/Restroom Refurbishment; Project No. 2003.0331


Staff recommends acceptance of the work, filing of the Notice of Completion, and authorizing the City Manager to release the performance and payment bonds, and to release the maintenance bonds for the subject project upon successful completion of the one-year maintenance period


This project constructed accessibility upgrades and renovated the two existing public restrooms and the two team locker rooms at the San Leandro Ball Park, including improved lighting and replacement of interior finishes, partitions and fixtures. The new spaces are bright, clean, and accessible to disabled individuals. In addition, the project addressed code enforcement issues identified by the Fire Marshal. The facility is now compliant with Fire Code requirements. In general, the project provided a major facelift to this forty-five year-old facility, which serves hundreds of teams from little leagues to semi-pro "Old Timers" leagues.


Construction is now complete and in conformance with the contract documents.

Previous Actions

* On October 20, 2014, by Resolution 2014-116, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Southland Construction.
* On June 15, 2015, by Resolution 2015-106, the City Council increased the Construction Contract Change Order Cap from 25% to 40% (from $60,659 to $97,054; a Change Order Cap Increase of $36,395).
* On March 21, 2016, by Resolution 2016-037, the City Council Approved an Increase in the Construction Contract Change Order Cap from 40% to 41.2% (from $97,054 to $99,960).

Applicable General Plan Policies

This project is consistent with General Plan Goal No. 52.07 to provide for the ongoing maintenance of City-owned facilities.

Permits and/or Variances Granted

A City of San Leandro Building Permit was obtained f...

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