File #: 14-376    Version: 1 Name: MCC Storefront - Award (Res)
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/6/2014 Final action: 10/6/2014
Enactment date: 10/6/2014 Enactment #: Reso 2014-108
Title: RESOLUTION Awarding Construction Contract to Frisco Pro Building Services, Incorporated for Marina Community Center (MCC) Storefront Window Replacement, Project No. 2005.0060 (replaces leaking storefront windows by the front entry of the MCC at a cost of $87,500 using existing appropriation of Facilities Maintenance Funds in CIP accounts 687-18-135 and 687-18-007)
Related files: 14-375
RESOLUTION Awarding Construction Contract to Frisco Pro Building Services, Incorporated for Marina Community Center (MCC) Storefront Window Replacement, Project No. 2005.0060 (replaces leaking storefront windows by the front entry of the MCC at a cost of $87,500 using existing appropriation of Facilities Maintenance Funds in CIP accounts 687-18-135 and 687-18-007)
WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro did, on August 21, 2014, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described in the bid documents for the subject project; and
WHEREAS, said proposals were submitted to the Engineering and Transportation Director who has found that the proposal hereinafter mentioned is the lowest responsive bid by a responsible bidder for doing said work.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
That said City Council hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except that herein mentioned; hereby waives any irregularities in the proposal or bid of the lowest responsible bidder; and hereby awards the contract for doing said work to the lowest responsible bidder therefore, to wit Frisco Pro Building Services, Incorporated, in the amount of $87,500.
That if the above named contractor is unable to execute the contract, then the City Manager is authorized to award this contract to the next lowest responsive bid by a responsible bidder, execute all documents to effect the award, and take all actions necessary to recover any bid security from the low bidder necessary to make the City whole in its acceptance of the lowest bid.